The star made in a big clouds of dust of gas and is large ball and hat gas. But the look very small, because they long way away from us. The center of a star has nuclear fusion made heat. Star have many different color and size.
2.Types of stars
The main 4 star types are Super Giant, Giant, Main sequence, and White Dwarf. The Main Sequence stars are young. The star have many different color, size, temperature, luminosity and spectral class. The color has blue, white, yellow, orange, and blue white. The blue color is the hottest star and the red color is the coolest star. The white color is the brightest star.
3.H-R Diagram
The H-R Diagram is a graphical tool that astronomers use to classify stars according to their spectral type, color, luminosity, temperature, and evolutionary stage.
4. Nuclear Fusion
The nuclear reactions inside a star change two hydrogen gas molecules into a helium molecule. This process know as nuclear Fusion. This is how a star makes energy.
5.The Life Cycle Of a Star
The star are born in a giant cloud that know as the stellar nebular. All star are come from stellar nebula. The sun-like stars will become a red giant, after that will explode into a cloud of dust and gas know as Planetary Nebula, and then will becom a white dwarf, after that turn into a black and cold object called Black dwarf. The giant stars will become red super giant, and then, the star will burst in a giant explosion called supernomen and then become a black hole. A black hole that sucks everything into it.

4. Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fusion is the process by which two or more atomic nuclei join together, or "fuse", to form a single heavier nucleus.