Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mineral Lab

Mineral Properties:
    Mineral properties are its luster, cleavage, Fracture, color, composition, hardness and how the minerals are use for. Luter is to see the mineral is metallic or nonmetallic. Cleavage and fracture is to see the minteral break to evenly or unevenly. Composition is what kind of the chemicals inside the mineral.

1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
      I enjoy most about this project is doing the imovie, because that is fun doing the imovie and learning how to film editing and add text.

2. What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?
       The most challenging for me during this project is doing the imovie, because this is my first time use the imovie.

3.What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
      The new skills I learn from doing this project is know how to use imovie, like add text, film editing.

4.Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of ypur work? Explain.
     Yes, if can have more time to work on it, I can make it more better.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Shaking Our World


Activities:  BrainPop Video, Music Videos
Topics:  Mountains, layer of the Earth, plate boundary, and plate tectonics.
         They are three type of plate boundary: Divergent boundary, convergent boundar, and transform boundary. Convergent boundary teo plates come together. Divergent boundary when two plates moving apart. Transform boundary when two plate slide past each other. The Earth have four layers. Which is crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. Crust is the layer that we live on. The inner core is most dense and is most hottest. the core layer make up of iron and nickle.

Activities: Prediction Map. Demonstraction Lab
Topics: tectonic plate, concection currents

           Convenction currents is the movement of mantle. The mantle is heated by the interior core and is carried to the mantle by convection currents.  The movement of the mantle affact the movement on top. When transform boundary happen will cause earthquake. When convergent boundary happen will cause trenches and mountain.  When divergent boundary happen will cause ridges and rift valley.

Activities: Exploration Labs
Topics: Subduction Zone, Ring of fire,
           Subduction zone is one plate goes under another plate make of mountain, trenches, and volcano. The ring of fire is the area around Pacific Plate with a lot of earthquake and volcanic activities. Earthquake cause by transform boundary and movement of fault.

Critical thinking Question.

 Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? Why or why not?
         I agree with the theory of plate tectonics, because scientists measure that  the earth keep moving every year and another evidence is envirnment factor, the earth continue moving cause earthquark and tsunami happen.

1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
   I most enjoy doing the lab. Because is fun that following the step and see look forward to what happen next.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
     The most challenging for me during this project is the presentation, because I have to prepare a lesson.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this porject?
  I learned some teach skill during the presenttation.
4. Is there anything that you could have donw to improve any of your work? Explain.
  Yes, I will add more information and make it more creative to improve my work.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Solstices & Equinoxes


 Native Language
 The imminary line
 To the size,orn not straight
 Equal night, equal day
 Longest day and shortest day
 Summer Solstices
 The first day of summer and the longest day in the year
 Winter Solstices
 The first day of the winter and the shortest day in the year
 Vernal Equinox
 The first day of spring
 Autumnal Equinox
 The first day of fall and equal night and eaual day
 The imaginary line around the Earth and divided the Earth by two part
 Direct Sunlight
 When the light from the Sun hits the Earth in a straight
 Indirect Sunlight
 When the light from the Sun hit the Earth at an angle
 Half of the Earth
 An oval
 An object moving around another object.

           Solstices either of the two times of the year at which the Sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at midday marked by the longest and shortest days. Equinox mean the equal day and equal day by 12 hours of each. The Earth divided by two part by the equator, one is the northern and other one is the southern. Season happen because Earth revolving around the Sun by orbit and Tilt. Tilt is the angle from right postition to size by 23.5 degress. Each year have two solotices and teo equinox. The summer solstice is star on June 20/21. The very long day in the year and it is the first day of summer. Winter solstice is happen on December 21/22. It is the shortest day of the year and first day of winter. Autumnal equinox happen on September 21/22 and is the first day of fall. Equal day and equal night by 12 hours of each. Vernal equinox happen on March 21/22 and is the first day of the spring.


Critical Thinking Question:
How is earth affected by movement ( revolution)?
            The earth revolving around the sun by orbit. It takes 365 days or 1 year to revolve one time around the sun and rotate 24 hours on axis. The earth rotation cause day and night. The earth revolution cause four different seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumnal, and Winter. Also cause different temperature and rain falls.

1.What did you enjoy most about this project?
           I enjoy working with Shahzod, because we collaborate and make fun with each other. I enjoy learning new stuff and making video.

2.What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
           The most challenging for me during this project is drawing pictures and making images, because my drawing is terrible.

3.What new skills did you learn from doing this project.
           New skills that I learned from doing this project is collaborate with group number.

4.Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
           Yes, after I watched every group videos. Compare to other group video, I knew that our video did bot have a lot image and detial to show. We can add more inage and fun to make it more perfect.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Geologic Time-Quaternary Period

            The Quaternary Period is the youngest division of the Cenozoic Era. It is divided into two epochs the Pleistocene and the Holocene. The Quaternary period stared in 1.8 MYA to today. The Quaternary also called the age of man. The first human(homo Sapiens) evolve.

1.What did you enjoy most about this project?
        I enjoy working independently. because I don't need to care another people and I can do whatever
I want to, I don't to care another people idea.

2.What was most challenging about this project? Why?
       The most challenging about this project is search information about my period, before I choose this period, I didn't know anything about this period and only way I can go to is google and I have to know what information is wrong and what information is correct.

3.What you change about this project and why?
     Change about this project is I cahnge the blog wall style, because first I used a very cute blog wall, but Ms.Kara said that is not appropriate.

4.What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
     Three things that I learned from this project are The Quaternary period also called the the ang of man, when is the quaternary period started and what haapen during that period.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Stars

 1.What is a star?
          The star made in a big clouds of dust of gas and is large ball and hat gas. But the look very small, because they long way away from us. The center of a star has nuclear fusion made heat. Star have many different color and size.

2.Types of stars
        The main 4 star types are Super Giant, Giant, Main sequence, and White Dwarf.  The Main Sequence stars are young. The star have many different color, size, temperature, luminosity and spectral class. The color has blue, white, yellow, orange, and blue white. The blue color is the hottest star and the red color is the coolest star. The white color is the brightest star.

3.H-R Diagram
           The H-R Diagram is a graphical tool that astronomers use to classify stars according to their spectral type, color, luminosity, temperature, and evolutionary stage.

4. Nuclear Fusion
            The nuclear reactions inside a star change two hydrogen gas molecules into a helium molecule. This process know as nuclear Fusion. This is how a star makes energy.

5.The Life Cycle Of a Star
        The star are born in a giant cloud that know as the stellar nebular. All star are come from stellar nebula. The sun-like stars will become a red giant, after that will explode into a cloud of dust and gas know as Planetary Nebula, and then will becom a white dwarf, after that turn into a black and cold object called Black dwarf. The giant stars will become red super giant, and then, the star will burst in a giant explosion called supernomen and then become a black hole. A black hole that sucks everything into it.

4. Nuclear Fusion
           Nuclear Fusion is the process by which two or more atomic nuclei join together, or "fuse", to form a single heavier nucleus.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Planet Profile

Planet: Venus 


Planet Order: Second from theSun
Distance From the Sun: 108,200,000km
Mass: 4.868 5×1024 kg
Diameter: 12.100 km
Rotation: 243 days 
Revolution: 245 days
Number of Moons: zero

Planet Description:
        Venus is the second planet from the Sun. The distance from the sun is 108.2 million km. The mas is is 4.868*10^24kg and the diameter is 12.100km. Venus is the brightest in the whole solar system.

Interesting Facts:
  - Venus has no moon.
  -Venus really is the Earth's twin. Earth and Venus have very similar size and mass.

Planet Profile

Planet: Venus 


Planet Order: Second from theSun
Distance From the Sun: 108,200,000km
Mass: 4.868 5×1024 kg    
Diameter: 12.100 km

Rotation: 243 days 
 Revolution: 245days
Number of moons: zero

Planet Description:
        Venus is the second planet from the Sun. The distance from the sun is 108.2 million km. The mas is is 4.868*10^24kg and the diameter is 12.100km. Venus is the brightest in the whole solar system.

Interesting Facts:
  - Venus has no moon.
  -Venus really is the Earth's twin. Earth and Venus have very similar size and mass.]0